Wednesday 12 October 2011

Miss G's Ark

Today, the girls stayed in my classroom with me after school while I reorganized my classroom.

Some people would call this procrastination.

Others would agree with me that it is therapeutic.

I call it necessary. 

It soothes me. 

I love organization.

After all, what do you do with 29 middle school kids?

It is the conundrum that baffles me daily.

Well, when they leave for the day, I imagine fitting them in the room in a more space-efficient manner. 
Hence my need to reorganize the room. 
I'm not sure it will make 29 middle schoolers seem smaller, or the room larger, but we'll see.

I digress.  That is not the point of this blog post.

My girls love my classroom. 
It has two computers (the magic number to keep them happy). 
It also has a seemingly endless supply of paper, drawing materials, toys (math manipulative blocks) and a big white board.

Today, Miss A chose to play mostly on my computer.

Miss G felt inspired to draw on the white board, and this is what she drew.
This week, the Letter of the Week is Rr. 
So, naturally, she drew a rainbow because rainbows begin with the letter Rr. 
Miss G was disappointed in me for not having sufficient colours, but made do.

Then, she drew this person under the rainbow.

I asked her who it was.

She told me that it was God.

God made the rainbow.

Oh, and He has five very carefully drawn fingers on each hand, and big smile, rosy cheeks and a full head of hair. 
All very important Biblically correct Kindergarten interpretations.
About after about 10 minutes of me moving tables and chairs around, and blindly answering questions with,
"You are right, the sea is a blue colour," and,
"Yes, I think that some rocks do look red," and,
"You are right!  There can be mountains under the ocean that are tall, but we cannot see them because of the water,"
I looked up to see this beautiful drawing.

Do you know what it is? 

Yes, it is the Flood.

Isn't it an awesome interpretation of the Bible story?  I love this picture! 

Look at the details she added to the red ocean floor and blue sea with the non-writing end of the marker.
A while later, when I looked up, Miss G had finished her drawing of Noah's Ark, complete with a huge rain cloud over top and lots of rain.
On the top deck of the Ark is a cheerful Noah, with his hair blowing in the sea breeze, and several life preserver rings. 
One can never be too careful. 
He is at sea, you know!
Below is the door for all of the animals.
And of course, the wavy sea. 
I know I've said it before, but it deserves a repetition:
I love this kid!
She adores it when Mrs. F tells the Kindergarten class Bible stories, especially the Old Testament stories that they are learning now.
And, I adore hearing her version of the stories.


Anonymous said...

I know that " God" really likes his portrait... how could he not... it's the spitting image of him.... I bet he smiles down on his little angels every day. Nanny... xo.

John Mutford said...

Yay, I finally get to see your blog! And may I just say, "awww!"

This post reminded me of Mr. L (sticking with your naming system) and how at the beginning of the school year he brought home his school agenda with the picture of Jesus' crucifixion at the back. He said, "Dad, want to see what the government did to Jesus? Why would the government do that to Jesus?" Pretty big thoughts for a grade one boy to contemplate, I think!

Anonymous said...

Best white board drawing EV-AR! -Monique


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