Thursday 3 November 2011


So, we went to bed on Tuesday night with two happily sleeping girls, only to be awoken by the sound no mother wants to hear near midnight:  "Mooommy.  Help me."

I'm not exactly sure how I've developed such cat-like agility, the speed of a cheetah and canine-like hearing powers, but I think it may have begun when I first got Thumper.  I tell you, I can be awoken by the sound of bunny paws treading the floor in late hours when they are supposed to be sleeping in their cages.  However, I could sleep through an elephant passing through my bedroom, so long as I am not responsible for said elephant's health and welfare.

This primed me perfectly for being a mother.  It's excellent training.

Back to Tuesday night...

I was in the girls' room before I was even aware that I was awake, and I heard a splash.  I flicked on the light, but knew what spec-gross-ular event I was about to witness before my eyes adjusted based on the -- uh -- splash.

Poor Miss G was on the top bunk expertly maneuvering to avoid being sick on her toys and blankets.  I called for Eli, and he appeared at my side at once.  We needed to divide and conquer.  If he could lift Miss G down from the top bunk, I could get to work on cleaning the floor and surveying the damage on the top bunk itself.

Oh, and Miss A?  Yes, she slept through the entire event!

Of course, Eli sprang into action and gently lured Miss G to his reach.

In mid-air, I heard it. 

Do you remember that terrible show "You Can't Do That on Television?"

Yeah, Eli got slimed.

On his head.

And he didn't say a word.

I was very proud of him.  (But, you can laugh if you want to.  I did afterwards.)

So, Eli helped Miss G shower, then showered himself while I snuggled our newly-clean girls in our bed with her Doggie, while Blanken and other unfortunately placed blankets were getting clean in Wilhelmina, our trusty washing machine.

Eli arranged immediately to stay home the next day.

Last night, despite a promising day, Miss G was sick again (this time at 3:30 am).  But, we managed to manage the situation away from Eli's head this time.  Oh, and he learned to take off his shirt immediately upon hearing her call for help.  Miss A still did not wake up through the spec-gross-ular encore.
After two days of eating dry Cheerios and not much else, Miss G is picking up, but will stay home, again tomorrow.  If we last the night without any spec-gross-ular-ness, she'll need the day just to recover! 
Today was my half-day of teaching, so I picked Miss A up from preschool early so I could relieve Eli of sick-duty (and could avoid taking Miss Sicky out in the cold to pick up her Sissy a few hours later).  It was a blistery winter day, with our first real winter storm of the season.

Miss A enjoyed the snowy walk, even with the wind.  We were well-suited! 
Isn't she a cutie with her snowsuit and backpack (with Patchy-Patch and Yellow, the blanket, inside)? 
When we got home, Eli was outdoors clearing the snow off his car, and Miss A had some fun in the snow. 
Lots of whiteness, and it didn't stop falling all day! 
This was our view at lunch time. 
And, this was my view of Miss G at lunch time.  Yes.  That's Miss G.  Sleeping.  In the day.  You know she's sick when she stops her Daddy to ASK to take a nap! 
Here's hoping that Miss A avoids the stomach bug.  I know that it's unlikely, but you never know...  If she does get it, we're ready and have a plan.  Plus, she's on the bottom bunk, so you know that will help! 
There is something so snuggle-able about your kid when she's feeling under the weather, isn't there?

No worries.  She's on the mend.  I can hear her giving Sissy a hard time in the other room.

I hate it when they are sick, but I will confess that I do love having the extra snuggles during the day and in the big bed in the middle of the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor little monkey. Kisses - careful kisses! - for her. Xo Auntie Annie

Ps. LOVE the 1st pic of Miss A in her snowsuit! Priceless!


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