Wednesday 9 November 2011

Miss G's First Field Trip

Miss G went on her very first field trip today.
One of the most exciting parts was the school bus!!  Miss G has been waiting oh-so-patiently for over a year to ride on a school bus.  We walk to school everyday. 
Miss G chose to sit with a friend.  Daddy was along on the trip to help chaperone, and to take lots and lots of pictures for Mommy.
After a short 7 km bus ride to the Ski Club, the Kindergarten kids got ready to learn about the snowshoe hare. 
These outings are really well-prepared with lots of interactive components to keep the kids engaged and active.
Miss G liked seeing the snowshoes that people use, and how similar it is to the snowshoe hare paw.
Then, the kids all acted like snowshoe hares.  Hop hop hop!! 
Watch out!  There are predators circling! 
Hide like a snowshoe hare!  
Miss G enjoyed playing outside. 
The kids got to go inside to warm up and hear more about winter animals. 
Miss G was very respectful, and when a little bored amused herself by making faces. 
Here is Miss G with her teacher Mrs. F. 
Later, a Dene guest told the Kindergartners some Dene legends about rabbits. 
And, of course!  There was lunch.  They had bannock and moose stew a-brewing for students (and Daddy) to try.  Miss G was happy to have her circle crackers and ham, packed by Mommy. 
Next was another little lesson on winter habitats and food. 
I think... 
... this may... 
... have been the limit of Miss G's attention span. 
Next, the kids broke into small groups with a grown up for some bush exploring and rabbit tracking. 
Daddy had Miss G and two of her best friends. 
They found snowshoe rabbit track, set a snare, and then Daddy promptly took it down. 
Not that any intelligent rabbits would be in a kilometre's pace of twenty loud Kindergartners bombing through the woods! 
Daddy says the girls were a delight. 
They had a lot of fun scaling the big rocks and snowdrifts. 
Daddy helped them up a few steep parts by lifting them up by their jackets, which the girls all thought was really cool. 
They assembled all the kids together to don masks and play predator and prey. 
Here, Miss G is a predator. 
She took it very seriously. 
Likewise, she was good at escaping and hiding as the prey! 
Mrs. F is a perfect Kindergarten teacher.  Eli and I think she's the best! 
And, I would say the day was a success! 
And, I'm so happy that Eli was able to go along on the field trip!

1 comment:

Onegirlruns said...

your girls are so cute! these pictures turned out great.



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