Tuesday 9 August 2011

Settling In

Can you believe it's been one month since we left Halifax?

One month to the day since the BBQ in Miramichi, and the rainy departure from Halifax.

We've been without Internet for almost two and a half weeks. 

I've had lots to blog about. 

Maybe even too much... so I'm having a small bout of writer's block as I figure out where to begin. 

We've had a wonderful time meeting neighbours in the neighbourhood and visiting with friends (Danielle) and family (grandparents and Lena) in Yellowknife. 

We even hosted our first out-of-town guests! 

There is so much to write about, and too much... if you know what I mean.

So, for tonight, I'm going to ease in. 

Then, I'll get organized. 

I'll get the photos all uploaded and stories in order, and you'll get daily entries on all kinds of things we've been doing in the Land of the Midnight Sun.

Actually, that picture was the sunset last night at 10:30 pm.  Not quite midnight.
From our front porch.

You can get a LOT done with such long days!

So, this is what we've been doing...

Setting up the house.

I'll take you on a bit of a tour of the living area, because the bedrooms are quite photo-ready yet.
 Our kitchen.  It's bright and white, and I like it a lot. 
 Eli got us a dishwasher, which makes hosting much less stressful, and our days generally more agreeable. 

I love the dishwasher. 

Eli named him Fred.
 My Kitchen Aid mixer survived the move and was happily reunited with me on the Monday after we got to Yellowknife. 

I've made several batches of muffins, three batches of bread, some brownies and pancakes. 

I love my mixer, and she loves me. 

I would name her, but our relationship might be too deep for names...  I'll think about it. 

Yay for well-used machines!
Eli got so lucky with this corner. 

We rolled the fridge over to make room for the dishwasher, and our kitchen island fit JUST next to it. 

It really was meant to be.
 Turning around, you can see the dining area.  It's bright and cute. 
 Now, I've made a "big" move to take this picture. 

This is from the master bedroom looking down the hall towards the living room. 

We could not line up all of our bookshelves in a row because of the heaters, so they are scattered around a little.
 This is peeking at the same book shelf. 

That frame is holding the girls' baptism dress. 

They used my wedding garter for a head piece. 

They were cuties!
Stepping to the front of the house, this is the view. 

The hall to the bedrooms is just visible to the left, past the girls' play kitchen. 

We fit two bookshelves by the fireplace. 
Eli's chair and the love seat work well together, and I had fun with the pictures on the wall. 

Next to the long wedding collage are the girls' first family drawings of all four of us. 

G's is on top and A's is below.
That empty wall will be a very high shelving unit to hold our videos. 

Eli will build it this winter. 

I put the mirror in the small hall to the kitchen/dining room to bounce some light around, and so I could see a bit of what the girls might be up to in the living room while I'm in the kitchen. 

I created a little sitting area by the large window.
This is a peek to the entrance way. 
 And the shelf holding the videos (temporarily) as storing a shelf full of books was more practical than all the videos.
All in all, we feel quite settled.  There is still more organizing to do, but we feel at home.

Now, I understand that the comments have been problematic.  I'm going to try something a little different, so hopefully it works!!

Tomorrow...  I'll reveal the names of the washer and dryer!  My good buddies.


Shannon Lee said...


KareBear said...

Hey there......is it working this time???
karen xo

KareBear said...

I didn't 'sign in' to my google acc't...maybe that's why it didn't work the first time...but working now... :) :)


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