Thursday 25 August 2011

The Cowboy Girl and the Dancing Princess

I'm heading back to full time work for the first time since my maternity leaves.  Well, technically, I did go back to work full time between my two girls' births, but considering that they are only eleven and a half months apart (yes, that says 11) , it wasn't a significant or lengthy full-time return.  And, Eli was home with Baby G on parental leave, so they had some important bonding time.

Our family has been so fortunate and blessed.

I've been working part-time for the last several years, with creative positions, a supportive husband, and sheer luck handing me challenging and wonderful teaching opportunities that let me use my experience and expertise, while giving me a great chance to learn even more as an educator.  I've had the opportunity to work as a Kindergarten teacher, a Resource teacher (Program Support), and an instructor of undergraduate and graduate level university Education courses.  And I've loved every bit of it.  Even on the tough days, I learn so much, and get to be a better teacher because of it.  For the most part, Eli and I juggled our work schedules around each other, and we are very pleased that we have been able to have the girls home with either or both of us for the last five years.  It was not easy.  There were weeks where Eli and I felt like ships passing in the night, but it was worth it.

It's all about to change.

Eli confessed to me that he's a little scared of me not being at home full-time to hold down the fort.  Me too.

The girls will be going to school full-time this year. 
Miss G is going into Kindergarten. 
Miss A is going into full-time Preschool.

The very best part:  they are BOTH in MY school.

I. Am. So. Lucky.

And, I know it.  I'm not taking it for granted one little bit.

I'll be teaching mostly in middle school (Math and French), and will not teach them during the day, but my heart is at peace knowing they are safe and sound in the same building.

Still, it's been hard the last two weeks as I've been getting ready for the upcoming school year not to be home with the girls.

Going back to work full-time?  Not easy.

Especially, when you have this in the mornings when you stay home:

The Coyboy Girl (NOT cowgirl... she'll correct you!) and the Dancing Princess. 
I love how they get dressed in their costumes before they get out of their pajamas. 
"Hien?  What Mommy?"
Yes, Miss A, I will let you wear your tutu to Preschool any time! 
"Are you still snapping pictures?"
Yes.  And, Miss G, you can rock the cowboy hat on the playground any day of the week! 
OK.  I'll put away the camera.
But, you are just so cute!

School starts next week. 
Are you anxious to see first day pictures? 
Aw. Me too.


mwyllie said...

Buddy this will be great for you guys...they will bring home all sorts of stories about them and their new friends...their independent stories...which you will love to hear all about everyday :)

Nicole said...

Yes....going back to work full time IS HARD! but it will be ok. The only advice from one full time working mama to to try to remember that you are only ONE its impossible to get it ALL done. Remember that your house will NOT be as clean as it was when you were at home...your meals may NOT be as healthy or creative...and you will be more tired and possibly need your hubby to ALSO do more. Once you allow yourself those little will find that its really not so bad. Balance is everything and you are already excellent at doing it...not to mention a great organizer which REALLY HELPS! :)
lova ya! xoxo



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