Thursday 11 August 2011

From my Phone

Well, yesterday, I had full intentions of writing about publishing some pictures and putting together a little timeline of our visits since we've arrived. 

Our desktop computer had other ideas...

It began as a regular morning until we could smell that unmistakable smell of computer frying. 

Ah, yes. 

The inevitable burnout ensued, and with it, Eli's patience. 

Poor guy had to abort all intended plans for the day (which, likely, included fishing) and take the computer apart and find a computer shop. 

Several hundred dollars later, our computer is not yet back from the shop, but is expected to make a full recovery with many new parts (including, but not limited to a new motherboard, power source, chip and other techie parts). 

Luckily, the dual hard drives were unaffected, so my pictures and videos are all safe. 

Nonetheless, I was not able to sift through the almost 3 weeks' worth of photos, BUT I could look at the photos I took with my phone. 

So, for your entertainment, here is an annotated summary of selected photos from my phone (which, I would just like to state, gives off better photo quality than the very first digital camera I ever bought.  Pretty cool).
This is in the girls' room. 
A good rule to live by at all times, don't you think?
 The girls in the big giant tub in the Hilton (Edmonton)
 The fire trucks that arrived to the full alarm going at the afore mentioned hotel the day Kelli and I had all four kids in the room on our own.
 Eli and Emerson with the kids at the West Edmonton Mall looking at the pirate ship.  Arr!  Matey!!
 A bison.  He says hi.  His name may or may not be Herman. 
I think it is, though.
 The girls checking out the playground at their new school.
 It's about a block away, and the girls love it!
 I think they are sometimes wondering why the playgrounds kids from NS aren't there.
 The sun thinking about setting around 9 pm at Gramma and Grampa's house.
 The girls helping Gramma water her beautiful flowers. 

Gramma would tell you that she does not have a green thumb, but she does. 

At least a green finger.

 I do not. 

I don't even have a green toe.
 The girls waiting for me to finish their muffins at Gramma's house (before our furniture arrived).  They were craving them, and Gramma had all the ingredients!
 Little A playing in the tickle trunk with all the costumes.
 The girls on our first family outing on Daddy's boat. 

Little G will tell you that it is a fast blue boat. 

And she will also tell you that Daddy gets to have ONE boat because he is a big boy. 

But, only ONE.
 Little G trying chocolate milk. 

She didn't really like it, but gave it a shot.
 Who needs play equipment when you've got a boat in the driveway?
 I assembled the girls' new doll house one evening while Eli was fishing. 

It has furniture, too. 

It was their birthday gift, but we had the box shipped in the move, and I assembled it here so it would not get damaged. 

I think it's beautiful.
 The girls busting a move at Gramma and Grampa's church. 

I think Little A broke out in the worm at one point.
 Eli and Grampa went fishing together, and Grampa caught this 39 inch Northern Pike! 

You should see the teeth!
 Having a picnic snack on the front deck.  Fries were a real treat!
 Patchy-Patch joined Little A to keep her company.
 Sweet A playing in our back yard.  The rocks are hours of exploring fun!
 The girls taking a break on our neighbours' kiddie swing.
 Little G opened a "car wash" for the boys' bikes (they live a few houses over on the cul de sac).
 It was a popular stop for the biker-dudes.
 My car finally arrived from Halifax after almost a month. 

Oh the things she's seen!! 

I should have mounted a camera on her dash.  Ha ha ha!
 The girls' cousin (removed, but we don't count that sort of thing!) came to visit for five whole days!
 My first batch of bread (rising) in the "brand new house," as G would say.
 The road in front of the house is gravel and waiting pavement.  In the meantime, it's a popular play spot!!
 The three girlies.
A late long sunset from our front porch.
 Both families went out on the boat for a few hours.  The girls loved it!
 Little G loves to help steer the boat.
 Little A enjoying the breeze as we glide along.
 After our boat ride, we went to the beach! 

The days are so long you can fit a lot into one day!
 There is a wonderful large playground right at the beach, too.
 Little A and I admiring our long shadows.
 John and Little M watching a movie after my girls had gone to bed (that's why they have ear phones on).
 Sidewalk chalk!!  Hour of fun!
 Drawing on the pavement is always better when wearing a bright red tutu from the tickle trunk.
 I traced the girls' and the girls' shadows on the pavement, and they would go back and draw in faces. 

I thought they were so cute!! 

Love the cheeks.
 Eli drew three sail boats with water, and had to go back and give each girl a whale, too.
 These crack me up.  It's almost funnier than on paper.
 Whew!  Still at it.  This is hard work!
Pink sky at night, sailors' delight!
 The city is small enough that Eli can walk to work, which is a nice treat.

No, it's not Maverick, ladies. 

Nor Iceman. 

But it is a flight suit.
 The tickle trunk is jam-packed with costumes. 

You never know what they girls will be wearing, but it usually involves fairy wings, and frequently their boots!
 Squeaky clean G.
 Squeaky clean A.
 And, these ladies never squeak. 
Meet the newest members of our family, Wilhelmina and Daphne.
They are awesome.
They are cheerful and sing me a song every time I switch them on, or they finish a load (it really beat the Unggghhhh! of my last machines).
They are diligent and smart.
They measure the size of the loads and always finish the jobs.
And they are steam machines. 
My friends, steam means clean.
I love you, Wilhelmina and Daphne.
My girls have been collecting flowers from all over, and mostly from our walks for me, and I have a beautiful bouquet on my window ledge. 

Summer, please don't go yet.

I'll have to pace myself once I get the full batch of photos in reach on the desktop computer!


Anonymous said...

Great set of photos.... You crack me up with your witty comments.... the bouquet of flowers are beautiful... nicer then the ones a person gets at a flower shop... they mean so much more when you know little hands picked them up just for you.....!!!!!!! xoxo... Mom.

Anonymous said...

once again, loving the updates and awesome pics...thanks for keeping me in the loop! enjoy!

love tammy

Shannon Lee said...

Thanks for reading along, Tammy!! I love looping with my buddies! Ha ha!


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