Friday 30 March 2012

Sometimes When I'm Not Around

Miss G loves to draw, and whenever she gets free time at school, she is always with the crayons.

No idea where she gets that from...


I love it when I get some of Miss G's free drawings in her back pack.

It's exciting to see what your child does when you are not around.
I would like to start by saying how much I love this picture.

Here is what Miss G says about her masterpiece:

 I made it at school. 
There's a chick. 
It's a chick. 
A chick Easter. 
It makes eggs. 
It makes eggs. 
The little one is me,
and you (me- Mommy, the big chicken) keep an eye on the nest. 

In case you are wondering the purple tree with the grey is the nest, and there are four purple eggs in the nest. 

They are all girl eggs, according to Miss G.

Please take note of the eyelashes.

Miss G loves eyelashes.
Miss G:

This is the sister (big chick),
this is the little brother (little chick),
this is the sun,
this is the flower with the seed and little roots,
and I made them at school. 
Little baby chickies. 
Also, while I wasn't looking one day, Miss A pulled the dining table bench in the kitchen.

I asked her to bring it back, but she said she was busy, so I watched.

But, first, I grabbed a camera.

She got Froggy, Patchy-Patch, Stitch and Eeyore, and they sat on the bench. 
Eeyore left (you'll see), and Mommy Froggy joined along with Grey Elephant, Toopy and Puppy.

Miss A then, promptly gave them all weather words.

I'm told these are tickets.
They are playing soccer! 

Eeyore is goalie, only you can't see the goal because I'm standing beside it.

Miss A was so proud of herself. 

At preschool, Miss A knows you have to wait on the bench until it's your turn,
so she was teaching the toys to be good listeners and patient players.
She's so smart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog was very educational to Nanny... now I know what to do while I'm waiting for something special, like playing soccer. Little "G", Nanny loves your pictures of your little birds and their nests. They are very lucky to have such a wonderful Mommy... Love, Nanny


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