Wednesday 14 March 2012

Happy Pi Day

Happy Pi Day!

Auntie Annie remembered, because she sent me a "Happy Pi Day!" text message early this morning.

It's a fun day for us Mathies.

It's March 14th.


Get it?

That's pi... well, it's pi rounded to the hundredths place because pi is an irrational number.

That means it cannot be expressed as a fraction with whole integers as the numerator and denominator, and the digits following the decimal go on forever.
To infinity, and beyond!

It's probably the most famous irrational number.

It's the ratio between the circumference and diametre of a circle.

Students ask me why mathematicians picked pi.

I tell them that mathematicians didn't invent pi.  They discovered it!

Otherwise, they would have chosen a much easier number to work with.

A ratio is a ratio after all... you can't mess with it.

Here are a few of my favourite books about pi:

CBC did a cute article on Pi today, too.  Check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now I want pie!! Mmmmm maybe lemon. ;)

I didn't know they made books about pi. Learned something new today! Lol!

Xo Kel


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