Friday 22 July 2011

Truths About Our Trip

Truth #1: Convenience is a Luxury

On some legs of our trip, we've stumbled upon convenient pit stops for lunches and breaks, but on many stretches, there were no amenities or rest stops.

The girls have been excellent at adapting.

It didn't hurt that they LOVE Cheerios and crackers with peanut butter!

We are so proud of them.

They complained very little, and were happy with the predictability of our family unit, and their routine snacks and meals.

Truth #2 Canada is Big

It's true. 

Eli and I have made a cross-country trek by car once before, exactly eight years ago (I'll blog about that another time). 

Now, throw two girls in the back seat with a bunny, and you realize just how large, diverse and beautiful a country we live in. 

If you haven't driven across the country before, I think you should. 

At least once in your life. 

It's amazing.
Truth #3 Learning Happens Everywhere

It's been really rewarding to have our family crammed into a car for the last two weeks.


 I'm not kidding. 

The girls have learned the different place names as we've travelled along. 

They've learned that drinking too much water means potty breaks much more frequently. 

Little "G" has learned to tell time on an analogue clock (to the hour), and Little "A's" vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. 

The family love for books has only increased. 

The girls have learned sisterly tolerance for each other, and have grown even closer as friends with only each other to play with. 

They've also become excellent backseat drivers: 
"Daddy, green means go!!" 
"Daddy turn right!" 
"Daddy, follow the green path (on the GPS)!" 

We visited Margaret Lawrence's childhood home. 

Hotels are full of learning, with all the floor numbers in the elevator, numbers on the hotel rooms, and menus to check out. 

Not to mention a fire evacuation!

Truth #4:  Big Country = Big Numbers

We stuck to our travel plan, and got here right on time!!
. . . How many kilometres we travelled by car (for reference... that's a long way!)

. . . How many hours of just driving we did, not including frequent potty breaks, stretching and playing time and lunches

 . . . How many pictures I took on my DSLR in under two weeks.  I filled my 8G card!!  (I have more photos on my phone, I must admit!)

. . . How many bison we saw on the Frontier Highway
how many "rest" days we took on our travel across the country (Miramichi, Saskatoon and Edmonton... all with wonderful family visits!)



Cousin Dennis Mazerolle said...

Hi Guys.
Glad to know that you made it to Yellowknife safe and sound.
I have lived vicariously through you on this journey.
Yes, I have driven thousands of KM's as a truck driver recently,....but even that is in no way comparable to traveling with one's entire family.
Shannon, you have such a talent for writing.
I regret not being able to be home for your going away get together, but I want you to know that I wish you all well in Yellowknife.
Thanks for keeping us all posted on your long trek.

Cousin Dennis Mazerolle said...

By the way.....
Doesn't it blow your mind that we live in a time where "blogging" and sending pictures in real time is actually possible?
Imagine if the pioneers of this world had been able to use this kind of "instant" technology ???

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love your blog. You make me miss you Shannon so very much. Enjoy your new adventure with your simply awesome family. I'm so glad you all made it there safe and sound.

Happily ever after comes to mind :)

Love Tammy

Anonymous said...

So I was reading this post and enjoying reading your "truths", then I scrolled down and saw all the pictures you posted of us and the family and friends and started to cry. I really don't think your move has completely sunk in yet but it's starting to. Miss you guys a lot. xoxo -Monique

Anonymous said...

What a Blog you kept... You should really consider writing a book... I always told you that you should, and now I'm more convinced then ever....!!!! What beautiful memories for your children to have and share with your grandchildren.... Love you, sweetheart...!!! Mom and Dad...!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised you have found learning everywhere:)...and that numbers are everywhere :)...there will always be a teacher in you!


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