Monday 20 February 2012

Sliding (and my 100th Post!)


This is my hundredth post to the blog.

Do a happy dance with me.

I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have!

This weekend, I threw caution to the wind and the girls and I had fun.

No report cards.

No marking (well, at least not until they went to bed).

No work (except for poor Daddy who is stuck in a seemingly endless string of 13+ hour shifts with no break... He's on about day 14, and is missing the girls' routines).

We took advantage of a super sunny day with mild-for-February-in-Yellowknife weather (only -22 degrees Celsius with the wind) to go sliding again. 
On went our wool socks, thermal snowsuits (and parka with snow pants for Mama-truly), and off to the sliding park we went.

I was so surprised that we were the only ones there on a beautiful Saturday afternoon!
I will fully admit that when the time comes to move away, I will miss the amazing angle the Northern sun makes with the spherical surface of the Earth up here. 
Don't worry, I'll make peace by keeping the photographs going!
It's breathtaking. 
We went sliding in the early afternoon  to soak in as much Vitamin D as possible. 
Sometimes, the sled took off before the girls were ready.  Silly sleds! 
The snow is super packed and incredibly slick for sliding up here. 
It's a very dry cold, very unlike the East Coast, so the snow is not wet and sticky, it's dry and powdery. 
And, perfect for sliding. 
The girls love the bumps, and try to hit them for the rush of it. 
And, I must admit, they didn't complain about walking up the sliding hill at all. 
March. March. February? 

Miss A 
Miss G 
My happy girls 
Helping each other out... 
... and laughing all the way... 
... and, occasionally, rolling! 


Anonymous said...

Wish we were there to slide with you guys! Soon Nanny and Papa will be though!! -Monique

Anonymous said...

Loved reading about your "Vit.D Day!" Too bad Eli missed out on it.
Your girls will have such wonderful memories of their time spent there. Enjoy!



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