Saturday 11 February 2012

Groundhog Day

When I first moved here, someone told me that the winters here (once the days stop being so very short) is a lot like the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.

It's a lot like having the same day over and over and over again.

Click on those quotes above to see the You Tube videos, and smile and nod along with me.

Man, that movie cracks me up.

Well, I am in no way as cynical as Phil the weatherman (Bill Murray), but there is no doubt that the winters here are long and cold, so THIS is how we shake it up...
We draw.
And, colour.
Miss A drew this beautiful heart tree.
I love the white on black. 
We keep our PJs on for as long as we can, or until we must leave the house.
In our defence, this picture was actually taken in the evening after bath time.
But still... PJ day?  Yes! 
We chat on the phone.
I snapped this picture of Miss G chatting up Auntie Kathryn a little while ago.
Miss G loves to talk, and Auntie Kathryn asks good questions. 
We take out of focus self portraits with the camera phones.
The girls love this especially. 
We layer and accessorize when we get dressed.
Then, we dance to music on our favourite movies. 
We pitch tents in the garage to go "camping" when we all agree that -30 is too cold for the girls to reasonably play outdoors. 
We count our noodles (in English and French) before cooking them. 
We go sliding on sunny days with no massive windchill. 
We march march march to the top of the hill to slide some more! 
We marvel over the angle the sun makes with the earth up here in the North.
Among the most amazing sights! 
We pose on Daddy's snowmobile, and sometimes get to take short trips.
Miss G LOVES the snowmobile... Miss A finds it "too loud!" but also pretty cool.
We snuggle our snuggle bunny when he hops up on the couch for pats and ear rubs.
Twofour is the most interactive rabbit we've had... and that's saying something considering the attention seeking rabbits we've had before! 
We play hide and seek in the school once all the other kids have left school for the day. 
We (and by "we," I mean "THEY") especially love to do this if I am trying to hear them to a specific location in a hurry. 
But, they are so cute, I always laugh and forgive them. 
We also love to play in the snow.
Even for brief chunks of time, like when we are leaving the school. 
And, why not?
It's like Groundhog Day.
We may as well savour the moments by making a snow angel when the chance is there, right?

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