Tuesday 14 February 2012

Making Valentines

I helped the girls make Valentines for their classmates and teachers.

We also ordered candygrams for ALL the kids in their classes. 

And ALL the ones in mine, too. 

How on earth can you buy a candygram for some, and not all?

Oh, the terrible memories from junior high that rush back when you remember distinctly NOT getting a candygram.

It matters.

So, as I was saying, we made Valentines this year, because we love crafts.

This one is inspired from an idea in this month's Family Fun magazine.

So, On Valentine's Eve Eve, after the girls were squeaky clean from their tubby we had a fun photo shoot with a broom handle (you'll see why...) and a white wall as the backdrop.

The girls LOVED posing.  No idea why.

Then, I bleached out the pictures to save on the ink that I'm almost completely out of.
Once I finished editing the pictures, and had the girls in bed, I took out one of the best presents Eli ever bought me.

My slicer.

Ah.  Isn't it pretty?

Lots of measuring guides, too.

And multifunctional, too! 
It's a guillotine slicer on this side, and if you flip it over it's a slide slicer. 
AND there are good safety locks on both sides.

So, I sliced selected paper from my scrapbooking collection.  Once down the middle, and then three times, to make 6 equivalent cards measuring 6 inches by 4 inches.
With the preparation done, the next night (ahem... Valentine's Eve) the girls helped me with the assembling. 
Miss G wrote out her friends names on sticky labels to apply to the Valentines. 
That way, if she made a mistake, we just got a new sticker, not a whole new Valentine.
Miss A got right to work applying the printed labels I made for each of them that says "Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Miss A"
(or Miss G...
and the kids call them by their full beautiful first names in class, not Miss A and Miss G). 
Miss G took her task very seriously, and LOVED putting a "check" next to each name on the list, "just like Mommy and Mrs. F!" 
Miss A was an excellent Valentine builder, and she loved how they turned out!! 

Then, I ran out of sticky glue (what we call a glue stick) for gluing on the pictures (my job). 
Seriously.  Do you have ANY idea the stock pile of craft supplies I have? 
I have a whole closet! 
And, not a glue stick to be found on this very important evening.

So, I asked Eli to go to the store for glue, I put the girls to bed, and I told them that the Valentines would be all ready in the morning.
Then the power went out.

Apparently, a military Griffon helicopter took out the power lines to most of Yellowknife.
Everyone was fine in the crash, but the heli??  Not so much.

So, I continued by flashlight.

Now, if you click on the link, you will see that I should use a real lolipop to make the cards.

I could not find enough, so, I made it paper. 

The power was restored in time for the circle cutting.
Snip.  Snip.  Snip.
 I think they look fabulous!!!
 The teachers thought they were so sweet. 
As sweet as a ginormous lolipop!
And the Valentines capture some uniqueness in their sweet little personalities. 
Happy girls.
Happy kids.
Happy teachers.
Happy Mommy and Daddy.


Anonymous said...

Very cool valentines. I totally missed the bus this year on making and sending out valentines to family and friends. Ah well. Hope you guys had fun! -Monique

Anonymous said...

What a crafty girl you are.... you amaze me... !!! Mom.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Shannon! They turned out awesome!

Anonymous said...

Sorry....the last comment was from me, Shannon.....Michelle (lol)

mleuxj said...

What a great idea! Julie

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord...only you "Shannon"...where the name of God do you find the time and or patience my child...definitely not from me...heeheehee...they are absolutely adorable...so proud of you...xoxox...Rosella...xoxox


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