Friday 17 February 2012

Photo Booth

Remember those photo booths in the mall that would give you 4 little black and white prints in about 7 minutes for two bucks, and we all thought that the technology was freakin' amazing?

Well, my girls have discovered their generation's equivalent.

iPhoto Booth on the Apple computers in my classroom.

Miss G VERY patiently waited to use my computer after school today (I had to put some finishing touches on my report cards). 
Miss A was on the other computer in my room playing preschool games.

As soon as I was done, Miss G said she wanted to play the faces game, because Mrs. F has it on her computer in the Kindergarten room.

I had no idea what the faces game was, so I said, "Do you think you can do it all on your own?"


Not only did she get it started, but she's a wizard! 
And, she taught her sissy how to do all the cool effects, too. 
Check out the cornucopia of images we captured in a short, but very funny time after school on a Friday!

(I am aware that the sheer volume of prints that follows is excessive, but I also know a certain Nanny and a certain Papa who love this stuff!)

This one had her laughing like crazy... "Look, Mommy, I'm sleeping!  But, it's just pretend." 

I love my kid. 
Miss A eased into it, but got right into the program! 

Miss G wanted me to help her make a mirror picture. 
Wow.  We are good looking!


Anonymous said...

In the last one you kind of look like a freaky ladybug!

Anonymous said...

With a bow tie!

Anonymous said...

The last one is hilarious!! I don't know how you have the patience to upload all those photos all the time! We are grateful that you do! It's my downfall about my blog. Can't stand waiting for the photos :S

XO Kel


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