Sunday 18 September 2011

More Truths

It's been almost two months since we've arrived in Yellowknife.
It's time for another edition of "Truths."

Truth #1:  My girls are colouring machines
It's magical.
It's freeing.
It's peaceful.
I feel like I could bring them anywhere!
This picture was taken-- I kid you not-- in church!
I remember a few years ago trying to take my girls to church on my own and it burning more calories than a full week's worth of workouts.
It was stressful and exhausting, but still satisfying.
On the whole, they were good then, too. 
I'm sure I just put pressure on myself and imagined people judging me when my children tried to run to the altar to blow out the "birthday" candles,
or replied LOUDLY to the gospel: 
"Mommy?  Did you hear that?  Jesus went up the mountain!  Let's go with Him!!"

Truth #2:  I have not put gas in my car since I filled it a week before I left Halifax.
I am not kidding.
See the needle?  Just above one quarter of a tank of gas?
I hardly drove at all in Halifax, and I've taken it to a whole new level in Yellowknife!
We are so close to the school, I walk the girls there EVERY day.
Everything else is close, too.
It's amazing when I think back to my commute some days in Halifax.
At one point, I had to drive an hour and a half BOTH ways to work (Shad Bay to Hubbards, NS). 
Now, I'm a 10 minute stroll to work, and a 3 minute hustle.

Truth #3:  I have not adjusted the clock in my car. 
I took this picture after the girls and I left church on Saturday night.
It was 6:13 pm.
This is my little tribute to the east coast.
So, if you jump in my car in Yellowknife, we are NOT three hours late for where ever we are heading.
Nor are we 9 hours early.

Truth #4:  Making bunk bed does burn a week's worth of calories
This weekend, I washed all the sheets for all the beds in the house.
Today, I had to remake the girls' bunk beds.
It's amazing the positions you get yourself in when maneuvering the mattresses on bunk beds.
I'm going to have to get Eli to come in to take pictures of me making the beds sometime.
It is blog worthy.

Truth #5:  My girls draw everywhere
Do you like this little sketch that Miss A drew for me this afternoon?
I think it's the Road Runner.
Maybe I should hang it up?

Miss A had a very specific location in mind.
And, no, Magic Eraser did not work on this Sharpie drawing.
It did fade it, a little.
Rubbing alcohol worked a little, too.
But... it's still there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! Memories...of your girls and sharpies and Eli blowing his top! -Monique


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