Friday 6 July 2012

Happy O Canada Day

You might remember, that in November, Eli took the girls to be in the Santa Claus parade (like the great Daddy that he is), while I was flying home for Nana's celebration.
This parade was decidedly less cold and more enjoyable for the girls.
Mommy and the girls rode bikes downtown for the parade, and Daddy walked/jogged along.

Oh, man!  I need to blog about my new bike... remind about that, eh?

Nanny and Papa drove the car downtown, so that the girls could get a lift home.

It was drizzly and the girls were tired by the end, so that was a good plan.
At the first mention of the parade, Miss G did not want to go (remembering her chilly feet at the Santa Claus parade), but she did get excited about it! 

Don't you like her Hello Canada t-shirt?  It's Hello Kitty.  She thought that was pretty hilarious.
Miss A began the parade on top of Daddy's shoulders, but once she determined that the parade was not too loud (because she still likes to cover her ears if it is noisy or scary), she got right into it. 
Miss G was very pleased that I packed her a lunch bag of snacks, and enjoyed her fishy crackers right away. 
Miss A eventually moved front and centre to see the parade floats move on by. 
She especially loved the Queen's 60th Diamond Jubilee float with the giant cake and "princesses." 
The girls declared it the "Best O Canada Day parade ever." 

Miss A loves to call it O Canada Day.

Well done, Yellowknife! 
We moved to Somba K'e, a beautiful park by Yellowknife City Hall, for the post parade celebrations.

Somba K'e honours the Dene First Nations's name for Yellowknife. 
Somba K'e, in Dogrib, the Dene language, means "Where the money is," which is how Yellowknife was (and still is) called by the Dene.   

We left the park a little early because I still had to ride my bike home, and the clouds were ominous and looked rain-filled. 
We browsed the vendors set up selling local arts and crafts, and the girls had fun playing in the grass with Daddy. 
It did rain, but then it stopped (a pretty common theme here this summer, with the daylight hours making it possible to fit about three days-worth of weather in one 24 hour period), so Daddy decided to go on the boat with Papa. 
Initially, it was going to be a Papa and Daddy fishing expedition, but Miss G was heartbroken to be left behind ("They forgot me!"), and they came back right away to get her.

She promptly fell asleep in the boat, once winning the battle to go on the fishing trip. 
Then, she woke up! And, she helped them to catch four lake trout!
Papa has discovered that he actually likes fishing and being on the boat.
All in all, it was a pretty Canadian O Canada Day, eh?

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