Friday 1 June 2012

Life with Two Five-Year-Olds

The girls think that it is so cool and special that they get to be the same age for two weeks each year.

Siblings born within twelve months of each other are called Irish Twins.

This two-week period is officially known as Birthday Season in our house.
Here are our beautiful five-year-olds on Miss A's birthday (yesterday).
I prepared Miss A's lunch box with a little birthday surprise...

I wrapped each thing in her lunch box!

That is:  the crackers, cheese, milk, sandwich, fishy crackers, etc.

I would have preferred wrapping paper
(How do I NOT have any wrapping paper in my house?),
but colourful party napkins worked, too!

She only discovered this during morning snack time.
We began the day with a "first" for both of the girls... riding bikes to school!
Now that they have so much control on the bikes, we can safely do this, and it was wonderful!
They were so cute pedalling away with their helmets and backpack on!
I ordered birthday flowers, and Eli picked them up to surprise Miss A with them, in her classroom at lunch.

She was thrilled!

Eli also brought along some mini-cinnamon-bun-like-cupcakes for Miss A to share with her friends. 
Here, Miss A is eager to head to her bike so we can go home for some more birthday celebrating.
Daddy got Miss A a rainbow cake with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.

If you do not know who Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are, then you clearly do not have little girls at home who are as obsessed with My Little Ponies as their Mommy once was. 

(The girls have all of mine to play with, too!) 
We got the girls Barbie scooters to open on Miss A's birthday. 

Then, on Miss G's birthday, they get another birthday gift to share, or alike.

It's birthday season!

Here, Miss A is pointed to the "Ages 5+" on the scooter... there is no stopping her now (and both girls have totally mastered the scooters already!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... a rainbow "Birthday Cake"... let's hope Daddy can find another one for little "Pookie" for her special day. Nanny and Papa...xo.


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