Wednesday 7 November 2012

Miss G's Journal

It's -20 outside.  -26 with the windchill.  Just thought you should know.

Miss G came home with a collection of school work on Monday.

I want to share with you her school journal.  I love it so much.

I used labels to record precisely what she intended to say in the journal, but I LOVE her phonetic spelling.
Today is Tuesday, September 18, 2012.
Santa is coming to town.

Why can't she write that in September?  Don't even pretend that your kids don't watch Christmas DVD's all year long! 
Today is Friday, September 28, 2012.
I got leaves in bedroom.

She was so right!  Do you remember? 
Today is Thursday, October 4, 2012.
I saw a reindeer in the snow.  I gave him carrots.

For the record, there was no snow on October 4th.  It IS -26 outside right now, in case you forgot. 
Today is Tuesday, October 9,2012.
I am under the rainbow with Emily
(her favourite big kid who is a girl at the school). 
Today is Friday, October 12, 2012.
I am walking by myself in the dark.

I like her Halloween costume!  Check out the stars... the happy door, and Rapunzel!  Oh, and the doggy in his house.  She is so creative.  This is, however, wishful thinking on her part... the girls don't get to walk ANYWHERE on their own; only with Mommy or Daddy! 
Today is Wednesday, October 17, 2012.
I am flying in the sky with my mom.

It was so cool!!  She says we did this in a dream, and I am pumped about it! 
Today is Wednesday, October 24, 2012.
I am on a Pegasus for a ride.  My Pegasus is magical.

Yup.  Pegasus.  Bet you didn't see that coming! 
Today is Friday, October 26, 2012.
I am on the rainbow.  I don't want to get catched by the knights in [in the castle].

And, there is a rainbow butterfly! 
Today is Wednesday, October 31, 2012.
I am watching the birds protecting the eggs.

The only birds around here now are the ptarmigan with their furry little feet and the freaky large Northern ravens who could swallow Twofour the bun whole.

It's -26.  I love my parka.  Parka!  Parka!

1 comment:

mwyllie said...

Shannon I didn't know you could fly? :). Very cute and advanced!! Glad your girls are still loving school! -26, no thanks!


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