Thursday 6 September 2012

Squeezing the Last Bit Out of Summer

We are approaching the end of our second week of school, and it has been eventful, let me tell you.

Lovely, in almost every way.

Except for my cell phone being stolen. 

Oh, and I confronted the thief (who was in my classroom), but didn't realize he had stolen my phone until after he'd bolted from the school.  Nice.  Classy.

I tell ya, Pumba, if I weren't the size I am I would have pummelled the guy.

Now, on to the whole point of this blog post... summer is slipping away.

It's true in every way.

We are losing a steady 6 minutes of precious daylight every day now.

Three whole hours will be gone in a month.  Six hours in two months... 9 hours in... oh, forget it, the stats are bumming me out.

The temperatures have dropped.  But, nothing negative.  Yet.

The leaves are DEFINITELY changing.

And, we have toques by our front door for the morning air.

Last year, I wrote about Autumn in August, and it is just oh-so-true.

And, by the end of October, Eli might try to get in one more boating trip, and find the lake frozen, just like last year. 
(Don't worry, he has a boating trip planned for later this month!)

The girls and I are more prepared for the winter this time around, but I must admit that I cringe when I see "normal" daylight hours whip past me in a month, and lead into... "The Dark."

Miss G knows how to take advantage of the last days of summer...
A picnic!!
I cannot get enough of watching these neighbourhood kids goof it up in the court!

They just love each other.

Like siblings, which mean they can also fight.

But, mostly, they just PLAY.  And, they are all so creative and lovely.

Summer, don't go!!

We'll be in hibernation, and we'll not get to see the kids playing outside for months on end.

Wait!  I could text Jaime to set up a play date!

Oh.  No, I can't.  I have no cell phone.  Waaaaah!

(In case you didn't notice, this post was disguised as a Public Service Announcement not to text or call my phone for the next while... until I get another one, which will be pretty cool.  You can email me though.  Or leave me a comment.  I love getting comments!)

But, really and truly, the week has been super fantastic and wonderful in every other way.

Miss A LOVES Kindergarten.

Miss G LOVES recess.  And, her locker.  And, life.  She just learned how to monkey her way all the way across the big monkey bar set at school!

And, I am a lucky lady to be teaching in their school.

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