Monday 7 May 2012

Like Riding a Bike...

Yesterday, we had a play date with some twin classmates in Miss G's class.

They brought over their bikes and scooters.

One of the bikes had no training wheels (taken off by their dad in anticipation of some two-wheeling), and after yesterday, Miss G's friends decided they wanted to have their training wheels back on

They were too frustrated.

It sparked some thinking...
This morning, Miss G announced that she had a dream that her bike had only two wheels and that she could ride her bike without her "little wheels."

"Mommy, can we take them off?" 
Miss A, is happy to have her little pink training wheels on... for now. 
So, after school, Daddy took off Miss G's training wheels.

We prepared her with how to fall, since that's a safety thing, and encouraged her to look straight ahead.

Her exact words?

"I know, I know, I know.  Let's go!" 

And do you know what? 
She DID know!

I swear, I think she learned to ride her bike in her dream, and just woke up with the confidence to be able to do it!
Here, Miss G is telling me that her bike is now Practice Bike.

Before, it was I Can Do It Alone Bike, and now it is Practice Bike.

On second thought, make that Practice Princess Bike

I couldn't freakin' believe it, but she rode that bike on her second try!! 
I hardly had time to grab my camera from inside before she was doing it!! 

"YAY!  I'm doing it!!"
We are so so so so so proud of her for being confident, determined and patient. 
Look at her go!! 

I'm beaming.


My face hurts from smiling!

I got to help her out, and let me tell you, it did not take very long for her to be yelling,
"Let go, already!" 
As you can see, I didn't even get a chance to change out of my school clothes before helping out Little Evil Kenevil. 
She was so pumped! 
We are are so freakin' proud of her for making this decision all on her own.  
If you need us after school or on the weekend, we'll be in the court on the bikes!


Anonymous said...

THIS IS AWESOME! I'M SO PROUD OF HER!!! Hey, your video isn't working for me so FIX IT! :P Best time ever...remember how much trampling around we did on our bikes?? -Monique

Anonymous said...

There will be so many more of these 'letting go' moments to experience and treasure. Parenthood is filled with them!


Anonymous said...

Good job G! Auntie Kelli is so proud of you :)


Shannon Lee said...

Yeah, what's with the video? Wah! I had to take it down... I just can't seem to get it to work... will try again later!


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