Tuesday 17 January 2012

Becoming Artists

This is a magical time of year.

You can ask any teacher.

It is my favourite time of year, especially with Little Ones.

The January and February stretch is when I, truly, see the largest and most astonishing leaps in skill and comprehension EVER in a single academic year.

It's the time when pre-readers become readers.

And it's the time when printers become writers.


I'm in awe every year.

This year, I'm noticing it in my own Little Miss G and Miss A.

Their colouring prowess has been well-documented, and is supported by the laundry basket full of beautifully and carefully coloured pages they've completed (and that's just since the winter set in).
This is a purple house that Miss G would like to live in in Miramichi. 
I think Papa is considering repainting his house to lure her there!
Now, Miss G is a beautiful little drawer.  And Miss A is picking up like crazy.

So, for Christmas, I bought the girls Ed Emberley's How to Draw books.
I ordered four in total: 
Drawing Book of Faces,
Drawing Book of Animals,
Drawing Book Make A World
and the Complete FunPrint Drawing Book (two-in-one book using stamping finger prints and adding to the prints with drawings)

I thought this would give great scaffolding for my beginner drawing artists.

A blog I really love to read, The Artful Parent, did a post on Ed Emberley's How to Draw books,
and while she was worried that it might stifle creativity,
I had a feeling that for my girls some How-to-Draw books would be a spring board. 

My girls like to watch Eli and I draw just about anything, but I don't want them to get the idea that only grown ups can draw, and kids can only colour.

So, these books have been sitting on their shelf waiting for just the right timing.

Last night, Miss G asked Eli to draw something that he just didn't know how to draw, so I passed him the book.

Together, they looked it up, found the page, and followed the steps.

Today, after school, the girls watch another few demonstrations, and they were off and drawing
(and being TOTALLY CREATIVE by the way... not just sticking to the ideas in the book).

This is what the inside of the page looks like. 
It has step-by-step directions that run from left to the right.
I set the girls up with their new book holders (which I got specifically for these drawing books). 
Miss G exclaimed, "Mama!  That's a great idea!" when she saw them set up.

The concentration! 
Following directions... 
Careful observation... 

Oh, it's too much!!  It's just so FUN!!

So, here is one of the first ones. 
Daddy drew it, with the girls watching how he used the sequenced pictures to help. 
Then, Miss G coloured it and drew a big heart for the Doggie because she loves him.
Miss G's turtles... with lots and lots of colourful Valentine hearts. 
Miss G's Kitty Cat.  Meow!!  (From freakin' nothing, people!!) 
A lonely fish (Miss G). 
Mr. Quackerson (Miss G) 
Miss G's bat.  She was very proud of this one, with all the stars!!
We do see a lot of stars in the winter in Yellowknife... 
Squeak!!  A Mouse by Miss G. 
Miss G's Flying Fish! 
Miss A drew this robot with six teeth. 
Miss A said that this was funny. 
Even though she is sad, she has pretty hair.
Miss A's turtle.
I love the legs!! 
And, the sideways smile.
And the detailed shell.


Anonymous said...

We have some of those books too! Levi hasn't quite the patience yet to follow all the steps though.

Great drawing girls!!

XO Kelli

Anonymous said...

Fantastic... did they ever do a good job...!!! Nanny and Papa...xxx.

Anonymous said...

Nice Job Girls!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...great job girls...that is really something Shannon...and I agree with you if nanny and papa think that painting there house purple is going to get there girls home...LOOK OUT !!!! hahah...xooxo..Lala


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