The girls were invited to join the Christmas Nativity Pageant on Christmas Eve night during the Children's Mass for our church.
We practiced a few nights over the weekend, and I made the angel costumes for the Nativity play.
Miss G was an angel.
Miss A wanted to be a sheep, but she was too sick to come to church.
I took her to the clinic Christmas Eve afternoon. The fever medication had just kicked in, so she was a little active.
But, the fever hit as soon as the medicine affect ended, and she was asleep on the couch at 5:00 pm.
Luckily, her high fever broke during the night, and she was much better on Christmas Day!
Unluckily for me, once her fever broke at 1:30 am, and she climbed in my bed talkative and ready to open presents. She talked my ear off until 7:00 am! She was some cute, though!
I'd like to show you some pictures of the angel costume modeling pre-Nativity photo shoot, and the Nativity play itself.
Miss G wanted to pose in front of the Christmas tree, and Periwinkle wanted to join in!
I think Peri likes the shiny sequins on the angel hem!
Ready for take off!
"Oh, wait, Mom! I have wings! I don't need to flap my hands!"
Aw. This one is for Nanny.
We got to the high school early, and Miss G sat in the front row, with me right behind her.
The crowds are so big for Christmas and Easter, that the services are usually help in our high school gym to accommodate everyone, and there is a lot more parking, too.
My favourite! The Northern nativity was set up again this year.
Miss G took her angel duty very seriously.
She's too cute!
The angels are ready for their big moment!
Aw, Angelic G looking over the Holy Family.
"Hmm. I better make sure that my tooth is still loose."
She complained about staying up past her bedtime (mass was at 7:00 pm), but managed to hide this yawn into a heavenly "Alleluia."
Miss G was standing beside a Little Angel-in-Training, and Angelic G was a little concerned about her lack of angelic behaviour, so she proceeded to tell the little one to stand close to her.
(During rehearsals, she kept stealing Baby Jesus, because he was so cute!)
When the Little Angel returned to the heavens, Angelic G gave her a stern talking to.
But, she left again!
What to do?!
"She won't listen!"
This face says, "Mom! Do something!"
D'oh. Oh well.
You'll all be glad to know that despite the heavenly drama, Jesus was born in the manger and did come to save the world after all.
I bet He just loved watching the Nativity play from above, too!
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