It's Unkie Bubba's birthday, today.
Thirty one years ago, these very mature parents welcomed my little brother.
See how little he was?? Aww!
So, Brad's my little brother...
Though, that's always been a bit of a joke.
Because, you see, he started to grow.
So, I'm going to provide some photographic proof that he is my LITTLE brother.
See? Shannon taller than Brad.
I'm the tall clown... well, alright, maybe not.
Maybe we're the same size.
But, I have the tall hat!
Same size.
Well, that was a weak argument.
I think that I was taller than him for a few short months, then we were the same size for a while, then...
He got bigger than me.
Brad and Bijou were very close.
He would sing "Two Steps Behind" to her all the time, because she was always just two steps behind him.
He travelled.
He drove.
I taught him to drive... once.
Our conversation went like this:
Me: Alright, Brad, this is a fairly busy street for Miramichi, so just be careful when you back out of the driveway onto University Avenue.
Brad: Geez, Shannon. I'm not an idiot. I know that!
(He backed into a taxi pulling out of the driveway for the first time.)
Brad: Crap.
Brad: Should I gun it??
Me: Well, let's get out.
Taxi dude: Hey, buddy. No worries. This is an old beater anyways.
Moral of the story: learning to drive in a small town has its advantages.
He's silly.
He looks like Dad and our brother, Chris.
Yes, both of my brothers are much taller than me.
Bubba is a great Unkie.
The girls love their Unkie Bubba, who they usually just call Bubba.
I'm sure they'll always look up to him.
I have no choice, either.
Brad and Emily joined forces and have taken on the world.
Lifelong dream of seeing Paul McCartney in concert.
Barbecuing with with deer in Doaktown.
Tripp, the dog, who is cute and knows it.
That under bite is, inexplicably, the cutest thing I've ever seen on a dog!
Dia, the cat who owns the house.
Since the last birthday, Bubba has had a lot of milestones!
Bubba and Auntie Emily got hitched.
It was a great chance to hang out.
Miss G hanging here more so than Bubba.
We helped Bubba get ready the morning of the wedding.
And, Emily and Bubba's nieces were Flower Girls in the wedding.
I quickly explained the idea of spreading the flowers... important Flower Girl job.
They were enthusiastic.
And, then, Bubba got his own little girl.
Sweet Little E.
Now, Bubba is Sweet Little E's Daddy.
Daddy Bubba.
She's so freakin' cute!
And smart like her Auntie. Ha ha ha!
I think Bubba is going to have a fabulous birthday this year.
(That's Brad in the picture above, just in case I confused you.)
Happy Birthday, Brad. Love, your Big Sister.
Check out his blog of his very favourite passion, vinyl records:
I still have those blue underwear...I wear them when I work out to the Rocky theme song!
:) very sweet big sissy!!!!
Great blog... enjoyed going down memory lane...Brad, hold on to little E. a little longer every day... you will soon realize how quickly time slips away... It definitely doesn't seem like it has been 31yrs. since you were her size... Good job, Shannon...Love you both, Mom.
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